The CR6Community Project is documented and maintained on GitHub. That is where you can access, download, track, fork, and raise issues on the firmware.
The O.G. CR6Community GitHub is here:
The two main Repositories relevant to CR6Community Software Support are:
The CR6TouchScreen Firmware repository, here:
and the Main CR6Community Marlin Firmware repository, here:
The Creality CR6 Printer integrates these two firmware applications, via a serial interface, to provide control over the printer's operations via a DWIN Touchscreen:
A customized forked instance of the open-source Marlin firmware, maintained and published on the CR6Community Marlin repository, and
A customized version of the Creality DWIN TFT firmware, first released by Creality with the Kickstarter CR6 Printers and subsequently modified and refactored by members of this CR6Community , using the DGUS Tools. That firmware is maintained and published on the CR6Community TouchScreen Firmware Repostitory.
In approximately December 2021, CR6Community members started reporting problems when flashing the CR6Community Firmware to new CR6 printers.
For some, the touchscreen displayed the Cr6Community Firmware main menu, but the menu buttons did not respond to touch.
For others, the touchscreen display was backlit but blank. Nothing was displayed and touching the screen produced no actions.
Further research has disclosed that:
The original CR6Community firmware bundled with each CR6Community Marlin firmware release was compiled with a DGUS Tool which has since been revised and replaced.
That tool used some features which were deprecated in later versions of the DGUS2 OS.
Binaries compiled with that obsoleted DGUS tool and bundled with the CF6.1 Mainboard firmware are ONLY compatible with the DGUS2 operating system version 3.5. If that DWIN_SET is flashed to any other DGUS2 system, the screen is blank.
Since approx Dec 2021, Creality have been shipping CR6 printers with DGUS2 v4.5 (or higher) installed on the displays. DGUS2 v4.5 requires a different touchscreen calibration than DGUS2 v4.4 and lower. If flashed back to DGUS2 v3.5 to run the bundled DWIN_SET, the touchscreen buttons do not work.
There are two solutions available to allow our CR6Community members to continue to use the CR6Community Marlin firmware on printers whose DWIN displays are using the newer versions of DGUS2 OS:
A Re-Factored version of the CR6Community Firmware which runs on all versions of DGUS2 is now being maintained and Released on the CR6Community Touchscreen repository.
Resources and instructions have also been uploaded to that repository, to support members who prefer to recalibrate their displays to run on version 3.5 of the DGUS2 OS. Doing that enables them to use the TouchScreen firmware bundled with the CR6Community Marlin firmware.
This space is dedicated to consolidating our support to users of the CR6 Community Firmware published and maintained on GitHub.
There is one dedicated page for each distinct support forum maintained and operated by the CR6Community Support Team.
Each page in this book provides:
an overview of the profiled forum
an external link to that forum
Additional details about the forum and its contents, if/as applicable
In all of your interactions with this space and its related sites, we ask that you please be respectful and recognize that we are ALL volunteers in this CR6 Support Community.
None of us are being paid to provide this support. All of us have feelings and private lives and all of us reserve the right to withhold or terminate support to disruptive or disrespectful individuals.
We also ask that you please refrain from using unnecessary vulgarity or hostility in your communications. Remember that some of our CR6Community members may be minors.
Klipper can be compiled and run headless on any of the CR6 motherboards. In January 2023, options are also emerging to run a compatible DWIN_SET application on the stock DWIN T5L 272x480 TFT display.
The master Klipper3d repository includes excellent installation instructions and sample configurations for getting Klipper onto any of the CR6 motherboards.
Resources are also posted on this repository, specifically tailored to help CR6 owners to make the switch to Klipper:
It is NOT an in-depth tutorial site - there are plenty of existing options for that - but it does offer some configuration files, pre-compiled .bin files (for flashing to the printer motherboard), tips and pointers.
Klipper does not (yet?) offer a bundled UI solution that runs natively on the T5L 272x480 DWIN TouchScreen that comes stock with the CR6 printers. Until recently, those who moved to Klipper on the CR6 were therefore limited to one or more of these options:
work "headless" and just control/monitor their printer from a web-browser application (typically either Octoprint, Mainsail or Fluidd)
add a touchscreen device to their Raspberry Pi host and install KlipperScreen
Refactor and tailor one of the 3rd-party DWIN/DGUS UI solutions posted for other models of DWIN display, to work with the CR6 T5L
As of January 2023, there are at least two DWIN_SET solutions now posted to GitHub, specifically tailored to run natively on the stock CR6 display.
One of our CR6 Community members developed a Python API to enable DWIN_SET applications to interface with Klipper through the Moonraker API.
That project is posted with a DWIN_SET tailored to work with the AnyCubic Vyper, here:
Thinkersbluff has refactored that Vyper DWIN_SET to work with the same Python API on the CR6 stock T5L 272x480 display. That project is posted here:
The DGUS-Reloaded t5uid1 project has been available for landscape-mode 480x272 DWIN T5UID1 displays (stock with the Creality CR10S printer) since 2020.
That solution works with a modified version of Klipper, which is posted here:
Thinkersbluff has refactored and extended the landscape-mode DGUS-Reloaded DWIN_SET to run in portrait mode on the T5L CR6 display hardware. That project is posted here:
The above two stock display DWIN_SET options use quite different hardware and software architectures, and provide different levels of functionality. Neither (yet?) offers as complete a set of controls as does the CR6Community (Marlin) Firmware.
Choosing between the two will likely be a tradeoff between the level of difficulty involved in implementing the serial interface between DWIN_SET and Klipper, and the elegance of the UI menus most useful to the user.
Interface Hardware Differences
Option 1 requires a new serial interface between the Moonraker host and the display hardware.
Option 2 uses the standard stock display serial cable between the display and the motherboard.
2. Software Architecture Differences
Both options are coded in Python. Neither option presently provides any coding instructions or standards. Users content to use the interface "as-is" may not care, but users who want to extend the interface may find one architecture easier to work with than the other.
3. Functionality and UI Design Differences
Both options are presently very limited in functionality (e.g. neither presently supports actually viewing files or launching a print.) While both options will no-doubt continue to evolve, early adopters can not rely exclusively on either DWIN_SET option to control their printer.
CR6Community Support Team and GitHub member Thinkersbluff maintains a YouTube channel, where video tutorials are also posted, specific to supporting CR6Community members.
NOTE: Prior to requesting a Community License for this GitBook, the YouTube Channel was named, "Making Things Real in 3D" by Thinkersbluff. It is now named, "CR6Community Support for Making Things Real in 3D"
The CR6Community Support YouTube Channel is here:
NOTE: For a complete list of the firmware support playlists on our YouTube channel, please refer to the channel itself.
These playlists may be of particular interest to new CR6Community members:
The CR6Community gather and interact daily on our Discord.
The Discord is organized into three broad categories of interest: - General - Support, and - Development
A fourth category - GITHUB- is maintained by a GitHub robot, to collect and report issues and discussions posted to our related CR6Community GitHub repositories.
There are also voice-channels available on our Discord, for 1:1 support. Please remember though that our volunteer membership is distributed all over the globe. They are not always online and they are not necessarily in the same time zone as you. The voice channels are best used by invitation only, to support an active interaction, when screen sharing and voice are necessary.
Please feel welcome to join us on the Discord and to participate in our discussions.
Threading capability is limited and temporary on our Discord, so it helps if you keep your discussions in the most relevant channel. There is no need to post the same comment in multiple channels, though. We read them all!
These wikis are available to the CR6Community, to support members in their troubleshooting and experimentation.
Located at: https://github.com/CR6Community/Marlin/wiki
Purpose: Provides tips and guidelines for troubleshooting and resolving some of the most common problems and points of confusion reported by CR6Community members through the Discord, Issues and Facebook channel.
Status: Active and maintained by Thinkersbluff
Open to member contributions through Issues or via the Discord.
Located at: https://github.com/CR6Community/cr6community.github.io
Purpose: Collects together some useful links and models an alternative approach to knowledge sharing within this Community.
Status: Inactive, but open to contributions and improvements by any Community member(s) - just fork and submit a PR, to contribute.
Located at: https://github.com/CR6Community/Hardware
Purpose: Collects schematics and design data for member-designed CR6 hardware
e.g. Contains design info for alternative Daughterboard PCBs
Status: Inactive, but open to contributions and improvements by any Community member(s) - just fork and submit a PR, to contribute.
There is a separate CR6Community Touchscreen GitBook specifically dedicated to guiding users through the installation and troubleshooting of the Refactored DWIN_SET.